Helpline Mon-Fri 10-3
01484 860077
Download Poster Here
We organise or facilitate special community events following topical themes.
For more information about these one-off events, please contact us on 01484 860077.
For information about our
The Kirkburton Hub, Kirkburton, HD8 0RX
The Denby Dale Centre, Springfield Mill, Denby Dale, HD8 8TH
Click HERE for current events poster
Time Theme Cost Location
27 March 09:30 - 12:00 Making New Friends in HD8 FREE Kirkburton Hub
Past Events:
Dementia Awareness, Arthritis Awareness, Dying Matters Awareness, Deaf Awareness, Doorstep Crime, Changing Energy Supplier, Benefits Checker, Mums Missing (Dementia Register).
Have a look at previous Awareness Events:

Dementia Awareness​
Friday 12 May 2017
09:30 to 12:00
The Kirkburton Hub, Kirkburton
Alzheimers Society, Carers Count, IAPT, WY Fire and Rescue, Age UK, Admiral Nurses, Locala, WY Police, Ridley and Hall

Arhtritis Awareness​
Friday 12 May 2017
09:30 to 12:00
The Kirkburton Hub, Kirkburton
Arthritis Care, Carers Count, IAPT, Age UK, Admiral Nurses, Locala, Eden Mobity

Dying Matters​​
Friday 12 May 2017
09:30 to 12:00
The Kirkburton Hub, Kirkburton
Carers Count, IAPT, WY Fire and Rescue, Age UK, Locala, WY Police

Doorstep Crime Awarenss
Monday 4 June 2017
13:00 to 16:00
The Kirkburton Hub, Kirkburton
WY Police, WY Trading Standards, WY Fire and Rescue, Kirklees Council, IAPT, Kirklees Citizen Advice, Neighbourhood Housing, Age UK
Deafness Awareness​
Friday 12 May 2017
09:30 to 12:00
The Kirkburton Hub, Kirkburton
Alzheimers Society, Carers Count, IAPT, WY Fire and Rescue, Age UK, Admiral Nurses, Locala, WY Police

Mum's Missing
Monday 3 July 2017
14:00 to 17:00
The Kirkburton Hub, Kirkburton
WY Police