The Kirkburton Hub has served the local community for decades, and this winter it has undergone a refurb to improve what it has to offer the users. It was the users who steered the spec for the refurb in the first place, and the plans evolved for over a year as discussions and feedback was gathered.

The main complaints about the building were the lack of an upstairs toilet and carrying drinks and equipment up the steep shallow steps.

The work started, although initially delayed by the builder's availability, across the summer. The project sees a disabled toilet both upstairs and downstairs, replacing the steep staircase with one that was fit for purpose, to introduce a coffee-bar in the hall, and to improve the kitchen facility on the lower floor.

The work still continues, but we now have a much safer staircase with a rest point half way up (or down). The upstairs toilet is nearly complete. The kitchen still needs some work before the commercial units are delivered, however the new windows will give improved ventilation. The porch is looking great but the door is still to be fitted.

The Kirkburton Hub work continues, and we are informed that the porch, upstairs toilet, staircase will be complete, allowing use of the upstairs floor to recommence immediately in the New Year. The downstairs toilet, kitchen and new office will be completed in January 2019.
Can’t wait to see the place completed getting excited now 😊